Open Hours: Monday - Friday - 8.00am - 4.30pm | Saturday | Sunday & Public Hols CLOSED

Allied Health Providers

ALLIED HEALTH PROVIDERS – at Ocean Wave Medical & Ocean Wave Wellness Centre

we have a full team of experienced health professionals to complement your Health Care Needs.

Podiatrist, Dietitian, QML Pathology, Denture Clinic

Podiatrist – David Morgan Podiatry

Suite 1 at Ocean Wave Wellness Centre

All your podiatry needs for chronic disease management and diabetes foot care, including:

  • General foot care
  • Foot orthoses
  • Diabetes foot health
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Children’s feet
  • Accepting Care Plans, DVA D904, and Workcover referrals.
  • Private health fund electronic claiming available with onsite (hicaps)

Bookings available by phoning 1300 288 365.

Dietitian-  Total Nutrition Dietitian Jody Pollard (APD & AN)

Jody is an Accredited Practising Dietitan and Nutritionist, and a member of the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA).   Jody has a passion for food, nutrition and healthy lifestyle.  Her professional holistic approach has seen her introduce and support the welcomed changes in the lives of many clients.  Jody has personal and professional experience in many areas of Medical Nutrition Therapy and has a focussed interest in gastrointestinal health and IBD, clinical nutrition, menu planning, weight loss, food intolerances and allergies, managing chronic illness.   Jody delivers positive health outcomes, using latest evidence-based best practice guidelines with an empathetic, non-judgemental open mind.

Accepting gpmp referrals with a $10 out of pocket fee for consultation.  Also accepting DVA referrals with no out of pocket expense, please ask your Doctor for a D904 referral.   Private patients also welcome at a cost of $70 visit, maybe private health fund rebateable.

Total Nutrition Dietitian offers advice and assistance in many areas including:  Dietary management of health conditions, weight management, healthy eating techniques, personalised meal plans, sports nutrition, food allergies and intolerances, pregnant mums and postnatal health eating plus group nutrition and healthy eating workshops.

Jody is available at Ocean Wave Medical or is able to offer Home visits at a small fee weekends and also after hours.

Phone:  0402 225 732 to book or email  Visit website

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